Body contouring

A Safe, Non-Invasive Solution To Reduce Stubborn Fat in Problematic Areas Without Surgery or Downtime!

BodySculp is FDA-cleared as a non-invasive laser lipolysis treatment for helping remove fat from the

  • Abdomen

  • Flank

  • Back

  • Inner Thighs

  • Outer Thighs

who is a good candidate for Bodysculp laser lipolysis?

BodySculp Laser Lipolysis is appropriate for clients who have no more than approximately 1 inch of “pinchable” adipose tissue in the desired treatment area.

BodySculp does not tighten hanging loose skin and a full assessment will need to be made to see if you are a candidate for these treatments.

This series of treatments is best suited for clients who are unable to lose areas of unwanted fat through diet and exercise alone and wish to “sculpt” or selectively lose fat from a specific treatment area.

Although BodySculp treatments can be used on clients with much greater amounts of adipose tissue, the results will be less visible and several more treatments will be required to see a desired result.

It is important to note that visible results will take time to develop, as the treated fat cells are gradually reabsorbed and eliminated permanently, through the body’s lymphatic system within the treated tissue.

Start with a free consultation by the staff at REJŪVE Med Spa to see if you are a candidate for this amazing treatment!

Bodysculp treatment series: $1200

Package of 3 treatments (1 month apart)

Additional treatments: $400

Schedule a free consultation to see if BodySculp will work for you!